Special Nominations Meeting

Thursday, October 24
5pm - 5:30pm PDT
707 12th Street, New Westminster, BC
Main Image

DATE:    “THURSDAY” October 24, 2024
TIME:     5:00 p.m. 
PLACE:  707 - 12th Street, New Westminster BC. (UNION HALL)

NOTE: the general membership meeting will convene immediately following the special nominations meeting, as per the general membership meeting notice.


Nomination And Election for Election Committee

13.12  An Election Committee of three members who are not running for an elected position will be elected at the October nomination meeting referred to in bylaw.
The Election Committee shall be governed by the Unifor Constitution and the Guide for Local Union Elections, issued by the National Union.

Nominations for the Following Positions:
a)   President
b)   Financial Secretary
c)   Vice-President
d)   Recording Secretary 
e)   Three (3) Trustees 
f)   Bargaining Committee (3)
g)   Health and Safety Coordinator
h)   National Convention Delegates
i)    Regional Council Delegates
j)   Canadian Council Delegates
k)   Skilled Trades Council Delegates

11.01  b) Collective bargaining shall be conducted with the participation of a bargaining committee elected by the Local Union of Local 111 and Local 2200 (the bargaining unit).            
c) The Bargaining Committee will consist of three (3) elected members from local 2200 as per the BCRLB approved Articles of Association" agreed to on October 10. 2000 and as amended to reflect the change to Unifor in 2014.
d) The process for election of local bargaining committees shall be fair and representative and will occur at the same time as the elections of Executive Officers, when practicable.

12.06  Health and Safety Coordinator nominations, election and term of office shall be the same as the Local Table Officers.

13.04 Nominations for President, Financial Secretary, Vice-President, Recording Secretary, and the Three (3) Trustees shall take place triennially at a special meeting during the Month of October. Notices posted to that effect will be placed on all properties at least thirty (30) days beforehand.

13.05  No nominations shall be in order unless the member nominated is present or has signified in writing their willingness to accept the nomination.

17.01  All delegates to National Conventions, Regional and Canadian Councils shall be elected at the same time and in the same manner as Local Officers are elected.

It is permissible for the President to attend as an automatic delegate to all functions that under the Unifor Constitution do not require delegate election. Where the Constitution specifies that delegates must be elected, the President may only attend as an observer or Special delegate, unless otherwise elected. 

17.02  All delegates to National Conventions, Regional and Canadian Councils, Skilled Trades Council, NDP Provincial Council, BC Fed, CLC & Labour Council Meetings, shall be chosen pursuant to provisions of Article 15 Section B of the Constitution, where applicable. The eligibility of a member for Convention Delegate is also controlled by the Constitution. 

In Solidarity,

Travis Harrison
Financial Secretary